The Feldenkrais Method

Experiencing difficulty moving? 
Wish to have more flexibility, fluidity and ease in all you do?

The Feldenkrais Method is a mind-body approach to organic learning using movement and attention. This novel approach incorporates classes and gentle individual hands-on sessions. Lessons are designed to enhance any activity, whether it is walking, sitting, gardening, breathing, performance in sports and the arts, basically anything that involves movement.

Some benefits you may experience include:

  • Improved coordination and balance 
  • Easier and more pleasurable movement 
  • Ability to complete tasks with less effort
  • Feeling more relaxed and breathing more easily, increased vitality
  • Enhanced performance in sports, music, dance, martial arts, acting.


Physiotherapy is a treatment and education-based therapy aimed to improve a person’s quality of life, alleviate pain and restore function. A key element is empowering an individual be able to manage their injury or difficulty. This includes developing a better understanding of causes and learning strategies that support healing and recovery, including self-treatment approaches.


“What I am after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I am after is to restore each person to their human dignity.” -Moshe Feldenkrais
“Through awareness we can learn to move with astonishing lightness and freedom – at almost any age – and thereby improve our living circumstances, not only physically… but emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.” -Moshe Feldenkrais

Awareness Through Movement classes - via Zoom


Term Three – 8 week series, in 2 sets of 4 classes, commencing:  

Thursday 11th July to 1st August; 8th August to 29th August
        11.30am to 12.30pm AEDT

These series will include some classic lessons designed to awaken one’s sense of feeling centred, grounded and at ease. You will learn ways to engage gently and mindfully in simple movements, awakening a sense of coming home to your body while finding greater ease in moving. We will also explore freedom of movements of the head, neck and jaw.

Bookings: Use contact form “Get in Touch”. Alternatively you can contact Julia directly via email or mobile (see below).

Cost:  8 week series – $200 ($160 concession) or 4 week set of classes – $100 ($80 concession)
           Individual classes – $28

Individual consultations and Functional Integration sessions

These are by appointment. 
Individual in-person sessions – Monday mornings and Fridays.
Alternatively, Telehealth session can be offered when appropriate.

Ongoing Mindfulness meditation classes – via Zoom 

Wednesday evenings, 5.00pm to 6.30pm.
These classes are suited to people with some prior experience of Mindfulness meditation.